Promoting Smut? On my doorstep?!

We got a leaflet through the door this morning.


Yep, the heathens in our area want to open a sex shop, on St Albans road. How could they even dare to think of it? Luckily the locals are rallying round with a vigorous leaflet campaign. I’m sure they’ll follow it up with a violent sit in down the local council offices.

Thank god.

Of course, if you can’t think of any reasons to lend your support and write a letter, there’s a helpful list on the back.

  1. “unsuitable for a family area”
  2. “proposed trading hours” (!?)
  3. “parking and loading problems” (“customers packing in 50,000 dvds”, says male ali)
  4. “not in keeping with existing shops and outlets”

The last one is a very good point. Wouldn’t want to take away business from Anne Summers in the Harlequin. Or the sex shop next to the wedding store on the high street. Two’s company, three’s a crowd and all that.

C’mon people, grow up!


  1. Hang on we are talking about Sex shops – 3 are perfect acceptable – the DVDs they stock would probably explain that!

    The problems are the nets that they shoot across the street as you walk by dragging you into them to make you buy their stuff…..

    Just remember the old saying “No Sex please, we’re British” – it just doesn’t happen in this country – please remember that. Now be a good lad and send Moaning Morris back his little leaflet with this months supply of Viagra.


    • Kevin
    • November 27, 2005
    • Reply

    yippee, my first spam comment – thank you JiggyWitIt ๐Ÿ™‚

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